イタリアの取引所 Bitgrailから約185億円相当の不正送金か

- 185億円相当の不正送金が発覚
- ハッキングが行われた具体的な日時や経緯については述べられていない
- ビットコインやイーサリウムなどの市場価格への影響はない
本記事引用元:Cryptocurrency Worth $170 Million Missing From Italian Exchange
17,000,000 NANO (XRB/RaiBlocks) stolen from Bitgrail
Bitgrailの管理者とみられるTwitterアカウント“Francesco the Bomber”からのツイートでは、
Nano Core チームのアナウンス
“On February 8th, 2018, the Nano Core team was informed by Francesco “The Bomber” Firano — owner and operator of the BitGrail exchange — of a loss from the BitGrail wallet. Our team promptly contacted law enforcement and we are fully cooperating with law enforcement on this matter.
From our own preliminary investigation, no double spending was detected on the ledger and we have no reason to believe the loss was due to an issue in the Nano protocol. The problems appear to be related to BitGrail’s software.
We had no knowledge of BitGrail’s insolvency prior to February 8th.
In our conversation yesterday (which you can find attached here, this link has been edited to redact a private email.), Firano informed us of missing funds from BitGrail’s wallet. An option suggested by Firano was to modify the ledger in order to cover his losses — which is not possible, nor is it a direction we would ever pursue.
BitGrail is an independent business and Nano is not responsible for the way Firano or BitGrail conduct their business. We have no visibility into the BitGrail organization, nor do we have control over how they operate.
We now have sufficient reason to believe that Firano has been misleading the Nano Core Team and the community regarding the solvency of the BitGrail exchange for a significant period of time.
We will not be responding to individual posts or accusations by Firano regarding this situation. We are preparing all information we have on the matter such as blockchain entries, screenshots, and chat logs and presenting them to law enforcement.
Please refer to our Twitter account @nanocurrency for future links to official statements.
Thank you,
The Nano Core Team””
““Bitgrail S.r.l. Informs its users that internal checks revealed unauthorized transactions which led to a 17 million Nano shortfall, an amount forming part of the wallet managed by Bitgrail S.r.l.
Today a charge about those fraudulent activities has been submitted to the competent authorities and now is under police investigation.
We inform you that the other currencies have not been involved.
In order to conduct further verifications, all the activities will be temporarily suspended (including withdrawals and deposits). This procedure is indispensable for users security.
We do offer our full and sincerest apologies to our customers and to whom has been involved into the illegal transfers of Nano occurred on our platform.
Other announcements will be released shortly.
Thank you for your attention.””